Section 1. Innovative technologies for the ore beneficiation and technogenic raw materials
Section Chairman
Section Secretary
Tusupbaev Nesipbay Kuandykovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Flotation Reagents and Enrichment, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Corresponding Member of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences

Samenova Nazira Orakkyzy
Ph.D. student
Topics of the report | Speakers |
Predictive method selection of flotation reagents using the principle of "structure-property/activity-property" | Medyanik Nadezhda Leonidovna - Doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department of chemistry, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia. |
Modern trends in waste recycling technologies of incinerators | Kolodezhnaya Ekaterina Вladimirovna - PhD, research associate of the department "Mountain Ecology" of IPIDMR RAS, Russia. |
Ecological-economic aspects of complex processing of hydrotechnogenic raw materials of the MPP Buribaevsky | Karelina Yuliya Aleksandrovna - Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, named Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia. |
Finding ways to clean copper electrolyte from impurities arsenic and antimony | Sharipov Maxat Shaimuratuly - 2nd year master’s student of D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University |
Study of the effective of flocculants on enrichment products of the Nurkazgan Processing Plant relative to the active flocculant | Gulnara Katkeeva - Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, named Zh. Abishev chemical and metallurgical institute. |
Study of the cavitation potential during the opening of refractory gold concentrates | Yensebayev Kamilla Bolatkyzy – 1nd year master’s student of D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University |
Possibilities of using multicomponent microflotation to capture ultrafine valuable minerals from hard-to-enrich ores | Tussupbayev Nessipbay Kuandykovich - Doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, corr. member KazNANS, IMOB JSC, Satbayev University. |
Study of the material composition of refractory gold ore from the Aktobe deposit | Motovilov Igor Yuryevich - PhD, associate professor of Satbayev University. |
Features of obtaining a composite material from hydrophobic clay | Ibraimova Dana Mykty-Kereevna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Analytical, Colloidal Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements, Al-Farabi KazNU. |
Improving the efficiency of flotation of copper-nickel ores with the use of new amphiphilic polymer compounds | Samenova Nazira Orakkyzy – doctoral student junior researcher, IMOB JSC, Satbayev University. |
Section 2.Innovative technologies in metallurgy of non-ferrous, precious, rare, and rare-earth metals
Section Chairman
Section Secretary
Kvyatkovsky Sergey Arkadievich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy of Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals

Dusebekova Maral Adelbekovna
PhD-doctoral student
Topics of the report | Speakers |
Processing of technogenic deposits of sludge accumulations of the hot-briquetted iron plant in order to produce foundry pig iron for subsequent metallurgical production | Savostyanov Alexander Vladimirovich - graduate student of the National Research Technological University "MISiS", Department of "Energy-efficient and resource-saving industrial technologies" |
Biochemical stripping of gold-bearing mineral raw materials of the Arbakay deposit | Koizhanova Aigul Kairgeldyevna - Candidate of technical sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Special Methods of Hydrometallurgy named after B.B.Beisembayeva. |
Study of oxidative-sulfatizing roasting of pyrite-cobalt concentrates | Chepushtanova T.A. - Doctor Ph.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Metallurgical Processes, Heat Engineering and Technology of Special Materials, Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurova |
Complex Ni and Co Extraction from Leached Nontronitized Serpentinite via Hydrometallurgical Process at Atmospheric Pressure | Smailov Kenzhegali Mamanovich - Master of Engineering and Technology, junior researcher, IMOB JSC, Satbayev University. |
Scandium Sorption using Synthesized Sorbents based on Silica Gel and Activated Carbon: Kinetic Study | Baigenzhenov Omirserik Sabyrzhanovich - Doctor Ph.D., Professor, Department of Metallurgical Processes, Heat Engineering and Technology of Special Materials, Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurova |
Investigation of the leaching process of dust chamber sublimations with the extraction of niobium in solution | Yesengaziev Azamat Muratovich - Doctor Ph.D., junior researcher, IMOB JSC, Satbayev University. |
Processing of copper from pregnant leached solution based on aktogay deposit | Esirkegenov Meirbek - doctoral student at Satbayev University |
Technogenic raw materials as a sorbent modifier based on natural minerals | Abdikerim Bekzat - doctoral student, junior researcher, IMOB JSC, Satbayev University. |
The mechanism of sulfidation of oxidized compounds of lead | Merkibayev Yerik - doctoral student, Head of Laboratory, Satbayev University. |
The process of depletion of copper smelting slag in a two-zone PV furnace | Dyussebekova Maral - doctoral student, junior researcher, IMOB JSC, Satbayev University. |
Section 3. Promising functional materials and coatings
Section Chairman
Section Secretary

Ismailov Marat Bazaralyuly
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Department of Jet Propulsion and Materials Science of the Joint Stock Company "National Center for Space Research and Technology" of the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty.

Akhmadieva Nazym Kanatovna
Topics of the report | Speakers |
Investigation of cracking of castings from high-chromium white cast irons of eutectic composition | Panichkin Alexandr Vladimirovich. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, head of the laboratory, JSC “IMOB”, Satbayev University |
Prospects for the production of high-strength aluminum alloy Al-Mg-Li-Zr in Kazakhstan | Mustafa Laura Moldakerimovna - PhD, Head of Materials Science Laboratory, National Center for Space Research and Technology JSC |
Prospects for the creation of technology for obtaining prepregs for aerospace purposes in Kazakhstan | Bayserikov Berdiyar Meyirzhanuly - PhD candidate, researcher of JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology" |
Synthesis of Biodegradable Polymer-Based on Starch for Packaging Films | Assylzat Iskaliyeva - lecturer, JSC «КBТU» |
Thermodynamic studies of the dual system of magnesium with alloying metal - beryllium | Linnik Xenia Alexandrovna - master, junior researcher, JSC “IMOB”, Satbayev University |
Study of the distribution of zinc and cadmium impurities during the distillation of magnesium from binary alloys | Tuleutai Farkhad - master, junior researcher, JSC “IMOB”, Satbayev University |
Investigation of the possibility of introducing yttrium oxide by vacuum induction melting to obtain nickel-free stainless steel | Fyodor Popov -NC JSC “Nazarbayev University” |
Tribological study of TiCrCN and TiZrCN coatings under friction conditions with and without lubrication. | Bakhytuly Nauryzbek - PhD, researcher, JSC “IMOB”, Satbayev University |
Kaolinite clays as a source for erbium production | Nazym Akhmadiyeva - PhD, researcher, JSC “IMOB”, Satbayev University |
Section 4. Promising developments in the field of natural and social sciences
Section Chairman
Section Secretary
Zhapbasbaev Uzakh Kaiyrbekovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research and Production Laboratory “Modeling in Energy” KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satpayeva

Abiqak Erkezhan Baimuratkyzy
PhD-doctoral student
Topics of the report | Speakers |
RANS modeling of the transition of a non-isothermal flow of a Newtonian fluid to a viscoplastic state in a pipe | Uzakh Kairbekovich Zhapbasbaev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research and Production Laboratory «Modeling in Energy», Satbayev University. |
Comparison of Oil Quality of Various Fields Based on Fuzzy Cluster Analysis | Efendiyev Galib Mammadovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. |
Numerical methods for estimating the geomechanical state of a rock mass | Atageldiev Kobei - Senior lecturer of the Department "Development of mineral deposits" Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, Karaganda city. |
Increasing students ' interest in the subject of physics by integrating the science of robotics | Dauleshyar Bakhytali - Master's student, Suleiman Demirel University. |
Bibliometric Analysis of Research Related to Digital Literacy Using the Scopus Database from 2017-2023 | Begimbetova Guldana Atymtaevna - Doctoral student at Yogyakarta State University, lecturer in Kazakh National Pedagogical University named Abai. |
Research on the choice of the optimal ratio of hardness of wheel and rail steel, ensuring minimal wear | Kanaev Amangeldy - Professor of the Department «Standardization, Metrology and certification», L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. |
Quantitative assessment of the yield strength of structural steels by structure parameters | Kanaev Amangeldy - Professor of the Department «Standardization, Metrology and certification», L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. |
Digital twin of the city heating network: optimization of energy systems | Gaukhar Izbasarovna Ramazanova - Leading Researcher of the Laboratory, Satpayev University. |
Intelligent control system for efficient energy management in the oil and gas industry | Tasmurzayev Nurdaulet Musakhanuly - Scientific researcher, Alfarabi Kazakh national university. |
A method for determining the response surface to optimize the process of thiourea leaching of Au and Ag from pyrite stubs | Abikak Yerkezhan Baimuratovna - Doctoral student junior researcher, IMOB JSC, Satbayev University. |
Mathematical modeling of turbulent flow in a bubble chamber in OpenFoam package | Rakhmanberdi kyzy M., Kurbanaliev A. I., Oychueva B. R. - Osh state university, Osh, Kyrgyzstan. |