Organizing committee
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Meiram M. Begentayev
Chairman of the Board – Rector of Satbayev University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Sultanbek M. Kozhakhmetov
Chief Researcher of JSC Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation (IMOB), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Yerzhan I. Kuldeyev
Vice-Rector for Science and Corporate Development of Satbayev University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Secretariat of the Organizing Committee

Gulzhaina K. Kassymova
PhD, Head of the Department of Intellectual Property and International Cooperation of JSC IMOB, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Dametken Ye. Fischer
Head of the Department of Innovation and Commercialization of Scientific Developments of JSC IMOB, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Zhazira A. Baltabekova
Head of the Department for Management of Scientific and Technical Projects of JSC IMOB, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Members of the Organizing Committee
Akçi̇l Ata - Professor of Suleyman Demirel University, Ph.D., member of the International Waste Management Group (IWWG-WEEE), Isparta, Turkey;
Muhammad Noorazlan Abd Azis – Dr., Professor of Sultan Idris Education University, Perak, Malaysia;
Yerzhan A. Ospanov - Director for Strategic Development of Metallurgy of Kazakhmys Holding LLP, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kazakhstan;
Magad Yerken – Managing Director of First Eurasian Mining, PhD, Kazakhstan;
Uzakh K. Zhapbasbaev - head of the scientific and production laboratory "Modeling in the energy sector" of Satbayev University, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Kazakhstan;
Kassymbek A. Ozhikenov – Head of the Department of Robotics and Technical Means of Automation, Satbayev University, candidate of technical sciences, professor, Kazakhstan;
Aidarkhan Zh. Kaltaev – Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Graphics of Satbayev University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Kazakhstan;
Timur S. Imankulov – Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Ph.D., Kazakhstan;
Sergey A. Trebukhov – Deputy General Director of JSC IMOB, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kazakhstan;
Zhanserik B. Ilmaliev – Deputy General Director of JSC IMOB, Ph.D. in Law, Kazakhstan;
Rinat A. Abdulvaliev – Head of the Laboratory of Alumina and Aluminum of JSC IMOB, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kazakhstan;
Ismailov Marat Bazaralyuly – Director of the Department of Jet Propulsion and Materials Science of the Joint Stock Company "National Center for Space Research and Technology" of the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kazakhstan;
Sergey A. Kvyatkovsky – Head of the Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy of Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals of JSC IMOB, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kazakhstan;
Nesipbai K. Tusupbaev – Head of the Laboratory of Flotation Reagents and Enrichment of JSC IMOB, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kazakhstan;
Alexander V. Panichkin – Head of the National Scientific Laboratory of JSC IMOB, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kazakhstan;
Gulnaz Zh. Moldabayeva – associate professor of the department "Petroleum engineering" Satbayev University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kazakhstan;
Aigul K. Koizhanova – Head of the Laboratory of Special Methods of Hydrometallurgy of JSC IMOB, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kazakhstan;
Tatyana A. Chepushtanova – Head of the Department "Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and technology of special materials of Satbaev University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazakhstan;
Madina B. Barmenshinova - head of the department "Metallurgy and mineral processing of SAtbayev University, candidate of technical sciences, Kazakhstan.